Takes: Rollup state.
Does: Nothing
Returns: Same rollup state.
Xane has a zk program that generates proofs to verify on-chain.
The zk program has methods that contain the logic of Xane.
The zk program uses recursive proofs for performance and security.
The source code of the zk program resides in this file.
But the logic is implemented as RollupState
’s methods.
Below are the methods of Xane’s zk program.
Each method takes the rollup state and some extra parameters and creates a proof while also returning an updated rollup state.
Takes: Rollup state.
Does: Nothing
Returns: Same rollup state.
addBalanceV2 (internal use only)
Takes: Rollup state, previous proof, amount, balance struct and balance witness.
Does: Adds given amount to balance struct and updates rollup state accordingly.
Returns: Updated rollup state.
subBalanceV2 (internal use only)
Takes: Rollup state, previous proof, amount, balance struct and balance witness.
Does: Subtracts given amount from balance struct and updates rollup state accordingly.
Returns: Updated rollup state.
Takes: Rollup state, previous proof, sender address, sender signature, base token amount, quote token amount, base token balance struct, quote token balance struct, empty pool struct, empty liquidity struct, balance double witness, pool witness, liquidity witness.
Does: If inputs are valid, creates a new AMM pool and updates rollup state accordingly.
Returns: Updated rollup state.
Takes: Rollup state, previous proof, sender address, sender signature, base token amount, maximum limit for quote token amount, base token balance struct, quote token balance struct, pool struct, liquidity struct, balance double witness, pool witness, liquidity witness.
Does: If inputs are valid and the maximum limit isn’t exceeded, adds liquidity to an AMM pool and updates rollup state accordingly.
Returns: Updated rollup state.
Takes: Rollup state, previous proof, sender address, sender signature, LP points amount, minimum limit for base token amount, minimum limit for quote token amount, base token balance struct, quote token balance struct, pool struct, liquidity struct, balance double witness, pool witness, liquidity witness.
Does: If inputs are valid and the minimum limits are met, removes liquidity from an AMM pool and updates rollup state accordingly.
Returns: Updated rollup state.
Takes: Rollup state, previous proof, sender addrss, sender signature, base token amount, maximum limit for quote token amount, base token balance struct, quote token balance struct, pool struct, balance double witness, pool witness.
Does: If inputs are valid and the maximum limit isn’t exceeded, buys base tokens with quote tokens.
Returns: Updated rollup state.
Takes: Rollup state, previous proof, sender addrss, sender signature, base token amount, minimum limit for quote token amount, base token balance struct, quote token balance struct, pool struct, balance double witness, pool witness.
Does: If inputs are valid and the minimum limit is met, sells base tokens for quote tokens.
Returns: Updated rollup state.